Saturday 15 February 2014

Day 3 -- 情人节游爱河;元宵节逛灯会

Today was another unexpected day again! We had orientation in the afternoon in which we were briefed on some essentials and toured around the school. It feels so surreal that after organizing orientation camp for 2 years, I'm back to being a participant of an orientation again. During the orientation, I finally got to meet my buddy, Alice, whom I'd only contacted via FB and seen only the pictures she had on FB (Yes, I'm a facebook addict).

These were taken while we were waiting for the briefing to start!

Having made some new friends during the orientation, we asked them if they wanted to join us to 爱河, aka the Love River, since there will be some performances as well as some lanterns making competition at the vicinity and 2 Japanese decided to join us! Through the trip we found out that they are here to learn Mandarin. To think they allowed themselves to be 'thrown' into a place which they can't really speak that language well, it's really courageous of them!

Before going to 爱河, my kind buddy brought us to 新倔江 to look for windbreakers, because we were freezing from the 寒流, and we didn't bring enough warm clothing :( But in the end, we spent more time in the food court at the end of the street and still didn't managed to get the windbreakers we need. But this place really looks like the 西门町 of Kaoshiung!


According to my buddy, this works won just because it has the mayor constructed in it.

So after being on our feet for the whole day, all of us became 铁腿, which really means our feet are so sore and tense they are as hard as steel! 

Gonna crash already so I'll have enough energy for the activities tomorrow :) 

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