Wednesday 5 February 2014

Prelude -- 6 days before departure

I finally got my lazy bum down to the Army market @ Beach Road to get my "army" backpack and to make sure I got my own bag I went to do extra embroidery on it, although it meant more money spent. But I believe it's a good investment. Got my luggage as well. Just a 4 wheeled, 29" American Flyer case with TSA lock. Nothing fantastic about it, just that it's a real steal to get it below $100.

Here's how the bags look like:

Let's see what else I got. Oh yes, my travel insurance! Apparently there is some travel insurance that caters to students who are going to study abroad. So yup, I got mine from NTUC Income and being really 'Kiasu' and 'Kiasee' (which mean afraid to lose and afraid to die respectively), I got the one with extra coverage, which I meant over-budgeted (again). But it's always good to be cautious, isn't it?

One more thing! I finally got my notification to collect my letter of certification in NTU. So tomorrow will be another round of rushing around just to get my Visa done. But when it's done, it also means that I'm more or less ready to go.

Come to think of it, it seems so surreal that I'm going to realise my long time dream to study abroad in just a week. The mere thought of studying in a place where I know almost no one for 6 months can be quite terrifying, yet another part of me is so excited of this chapter of my life. 

Well, no matter how excited I am for the trip right now, I should really get myself seated and start working on my packing list. I guess it's going to be another long night ahead.


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