Monday 17 February 2014

Day 5 -- Cycling along Banana Pier, Fishermen Wharf and Xizi Bay

Today marks the end of the first weekend in Taiwan! We decided to explore further into our district via bicycles! And the rental is so cheap NTD 50 for whole day! How cool is that, as compared to those at ECP, SGD 8 for 2 hours.

1st stop: Banana Pier / Fishermen Wharf
These 2 places are just adjacent to each other. And to my surprise, there's a mini museum within the specialties store at Banana Pier showing the relationship between Taiwan and Banana and there are some of the equipment used in the older days on display as well. I must say I had an enriching experience in the museum today!

Then we had a walk along the Fishermen Wharf, which is actually a stretch of bars and restaurants along the pier, much to my disappointment. But we saw an old school arcade and took some pictures with some of the rides we would have loved in our younger days!

We then cycled to Xizi Bay, wanting to catch the sunset over there, but we missed it on our way. But it's ok, we have 5 months to do so :) But I did managed to take a picture of the pillar with the school's name embarked on it.

And we ended our day with a picture of us with our bikes in front of the tunnel of NSYSU! Just in case you don't know, there's a tunnel that connects the school and the streets.

Nonetheless, today's trip had been an awesome one!

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