Monday 17 February 2014

Day 6 -- First day of the official start of studying week

There's no lessons for me on Mondays (thank God) but still ran around the school to get some admin done. All went well until it was time to pay the fees. I wanted to pay through credit card, but it's not accepted so, I'd to go withdraw my fees at an atm, which charge me SGD 5 for each withdrawal. Hence, I wasn't able to get my student ID today :(
Luckily, the day turned out better as I went for dinner with more new friends from NTU! We went back to 有妈妈味道的店 (I'll get the shop name soon) and took a walk to xizi bay again after dinner,  since some of the girls had not got a chance to go. We had so much laughter and stuff to talk about throughout the whole night, and I'm so thankful for this.
Well, got to sleep soon because I have a morning lesson tmr. Ciao~
Our 1st Outfit of the Week #OOTW

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