Thursday 20 February 2014

Day 9 -- Cultural exchange / shock (?)

I finally get to sleep in on a school day! Nothing beats being able to wake up naturally! Anyway, I was late for the first lesson and unlike the other modules that I'd taken thus far, the class was already full b the time I walked in, what a shock. I wanted a quiet entry initially but in the end, the whole class was staring at me because the lecturer asked for my name before I can sit down. She then told me straight in the face that I may not be able to cope with this module because it's a level 4 mod for the theatre arts students. One look and I know she was judging me from my course -- Chinese. And this is all because the Chinese major here have very exposure to drama and theatre. Oh well, this only made me more determined to do well for this particular module. 

Alright, enough of ranting about school. And today marks the end of my first week of studying! I'm so happy! Had dinner with Miyuki, Minyu & the level 3 Japanese neighbours at Shark Bites and they serve such awesome waffles at really affordable prices. Now I wonder why should I even pay so much for Strictly Pancakes #justsaying It was really an amazing time spent together as we know more about each other languages. It's cool that although we don't really have a common language, yet we can still communicate and had such a great time together! I really hope that we can hangout more often in the future :)

Well, enough said, time to practice for my piece for lesson next week!

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