Tuesday 18 February 2014

Day 7 -- It's lesson time!

So after 2 months of hiatus, I finally resumed lessons this morning! Frankly speaking, I'm not much of a morning person, hence waking up at 7.30am to prepare for lesson was a chore for me. Since it's the first week, it's only introduction, and I found myself dozing off towards the 2nd half of the lesson (uh-oh).. But thank God I have a 4 hour break between my 2 lessons today, so I decided to come back for a short nap.

As for the 2nd lesson, I don't know how to describe it. According to the lecturer, there is supposed to be 5, yes FIVE of us enrolled, but there's only 4 in the class today. So, no excuses for slipshod work in the future, guess I better buck up this semester. 

It's been so long since I sat in a classroom setting for lessons, and it's my first time learning in a classroom with chalkboard! Oh gosh, this is going to be interesting! Ok, I am suaku la.

Managed to catch the beautiful sunset after my lesson today! It's just so beautiful! Now I am really looking forward to more such days ahead! :D

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