Monday 24 February 2014

Day 12 -- It's shopping time!

Today was shopping day at Sanduo shopping district and Ruifeng Night market. 

With 3 shopping malls at the MRT station, Sanduo should be the first choice to shop, but well, I'm just a poor student. All I can do was to admire the expensive stuff on sales and tell myself to work hard so I can afford them in the future (LOL! Can't believe I actually typed that -.-). Yup, so my verdict is Sanduo is for the richer ones who can afford it or those who can only wear branded stuff. By that, I'm including Mango and Espirit (see, this is how poor I am).

After which, we travelled to 巨蛋 station to meet some of the Japanese neighbours and went to Ruifeng Night Market in the evening. Then that we realised our group was too huge to walk through the market together, so in the end we split, and I was with Miyuki and Minyu for the rest of the night. And my I met my buddy coincidentally where she was hanging out with her friends, how cool! I must say the night is really an awesome one. Firstly it's huge! Next, there are so many cheap clothes around! Needless to say I went a little overboard spending for more clothes :p I believe they are all worth it!

To sum up, I don't think I'm going to Sanduo again, unless I really want to get branded stuff (which is highly impossible). But I am definitely going back to Rui Feng for the cheap thrills :)

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