Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 14 -- Impromptu dinner

Just as I thought the day is going to end uneventful, my classmates decided to have an impromptu dinner after our lesson, and they're kind enough to ask me along! I was just sitting in my class (dozing off actually), when one of the very little classmates I have for this particular module, Dennis, asked if I want to have dinner with the rest. I mean, why not! I have loved this kind of gatherings all along! So after class, we went to this really atas looking restaurant for 肉脞饭, yet the price was unbelievably cheap! Like all gatherings there were small talks here and there and I'm glad I'm slowly starting to know more locals. Got to know Dennis a little as we went to Pier 2 after dinner.

Sometimes I'm really envy of the locals here. They are not afraid to show their talents. Be it Pier 2, be it the locals I'd met. They are mostly proud of their gifts and never shy away from them. This is certainly something I want to learn from them!

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