Saturday 8 February 2014

Prelude -- 3 days before departure

I've been enjoying myself a lot for the past 2 days, not only because I'm almost done with all administrative issues for fee-paying, but also I got to watch the play I'd been waiting for months: 《如梦之梦》

This play made me realise one thing, whatever we've been through aren't that unique to us after all. We are but just part of this unbreakable spiral. Round and round we go, we think we are progressing away, yet in fact we are just getting more and more intertwined with one another. Perhaps this is what they mean by the "6 degrees of separation". It seems like everyone in this world is somewhat connected.

Oh, did I mention that this play was 8hr long? It was split into part 1 & 2 with a 2 hours long dinner break in between, hence I decided to go to the nearby River Hongbao while thinking on what to have for dinner.

Here's some of the pictures I took while visiting the exhibition on the floating platform. Yes, I know I am totally not dressed in the typical CNY fashion, but who cares. 

Today, I'm back to the area again, but because the crowd at River Hongbao was insane, and I have ZERO interest in the Chingay parade, I decided to go to Gardens by the Bay to enjoy the evening breeze. Coincidentally, I was in time for the lights and audio show at the super trees and I got a really good spot watching the 10 minute show! (Vivience felt so blessed #justsaying)

I totally enjoyed my me-time but now it's back to reality: I need to PACK :( Nevermind, I shall rant about it another day then. Time for me to crash!

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