Monday 27 January 2014

Prelude -- 16 days left

Today marks the last church service I'm attending before I leave for Taiwan. Suddenly, it dawn upon me that I'm really leaving, and I'm leaving soon. And this feeling continued on as I rushed off after service to meet my favourite people in NTU, the Morpheus Committee for our 2nd CNY gathering.

Coincidentally, the sermon today was on relationships and Morpheus is truly a committee in which I feel I have a relationship with. I'm so going to miss hanging out with these people not just because they are fun to hang out with, but they are also people whom I know I can confide in when I need advice.

Here's a really blurry picture of us tonight while having supper :)

Another group of people in which I want to continue to keep in touch with is my churchies. I've known some for years and the rest barely months, but I'm glad I come to know them. They are truly people whom I know I will want to have a relationship in. Since I'm not able to make it for most of the gatherings they are planning, I think today is the last time I'll see them in a long time.

No one can say what will happen 5 months later, but I do hope I can continue to stay in touch with them!

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