Sunday 26 January 2014

Prelude -- 17 days left

NTU must be really busy these days because I finally get my official letter for my study leave after a week! And right now it's another round of waiting for the proper certification from NTU so that I can proceed on to applying my visa (and the waiting game goes on...) Well, valuable lesson learnt: NEVER PROCRASTINATE TO THE LAST MINUTE TO GET THINGS DONE!

Speaking of which, I ought to get a decent luggage. I've been hunting for one for a few weeks, but to no avail. Perhaps I got to be less picky about certain details and just get one that's so-so. Or should I continue with my luggage hunting till I find the one? What a tiring process. (and doesn't this sound like what we do when we are looking for future partners? #justsaying)

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