Thursday 23 January 2014

Prelude -- 20 days before departure

Just as stated in the title, I still have 20 days left at home. Before I go on, perhaps I should do a short introduction about myself, although it's not as if you guys are really that interested in who I am anyway. 

About Me
I'm Vivience, currently a junior in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, pursuing my B.A in Chinese (Honours). Yes, I am a Chinese Major and no, I am not going to be a Chinese teacher in the near future. This is the first time I'm going to spend almost 5 months in a land where I know almost no one, perhaps only my NSYSU buddy assigned to me and my cousin who is studying in Hsinchu ( that's so far from me!).

Before I go on, NSYSU is the abbreviation of National Sun-Yet Sen University, just in case you're wondering what on earth that is. 

So why NSYSU? Because it's the most hassle-free university (in terms of the admin stuff I need to do for application) and one of the cheapest university (thanks to the strong SGD) available in Taiwan. Yes, I am an extremely lazy person and I always believe less is more (in many circumstances).

So, how are you feeling about the coming exchange?
Actually to be frank, I'm too busy to feel anything. There are still tons of paperwork left for me to be completed in these 2 weeks (factoring the fact that CNY is going to take away a week and all the weekends in which no one works), because I procrastinated till the last minute, as usual.

If I'm really to feel anything, firstly, of course I am EXCITED!! Just imagine 5 months of meeting new people (although I heard there are +/- 150 people from NTU in this batch of exchange student in NSYSU), touring places I've never been before (the only time I've been to Taiwan was 4 years ago and it was confined to Taipei), and of course experiencing new stuff. How can one not be excited?

Well, to be an emo-baby now, I also can't bear to leave my family and friends here in Singapore. Well, I love to hangout with friends, sometimes we can just talk over a drink for hours. Quoting my mother, it's a miracle for me to reach home before 10pm. If I'm to add in the hours I spent in school studying, actually 10pm isn't that late, right?

And how are you going to spend your remaining days in Singapore before flying off?
First, settle all the remaining admin miscellaneous issues, like visa, insurance, course registration, bla bla bla...
To meet up with some close friends for a proper dinner and hangout before I fly off and miss the chance to hangout with them more. 
And yes, to look for a new suitcase that will not burn too big a hole in my pocket!

Till the next time, ciao!

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