Monday 7 July 2014

Epilogue -- 1st week home

Spent the past week meeting up with friends and family whom I hadn't seen for a long time, some just 5 months and others longer... It's a tiring week, given the fact that I went for church camp on the second day I'm back and having to enter Malaysia at 9pm on Friday. But then, it's great to see people I hadn't seen for a long time, so it kinda compensate the fatigue I was feeling. 

Spent quite some time editing some pictures I took during the last days in Taiwan, and it felt quite surreal. I mean, I was still travelling around in Taiwan barely a week ago and now I'm back home! And suddenly 5 months don't seem to be as long as what I thought it is! 

I'll still update this space, though not on a daily basis. I'll be doing some sort of a 懒人包 aka summary of each area I went to, also a review of the hostels I'd stayed during the various trips around Taiwan. I hope I won't procrastinate too much though :p

Till the next time, ciaos~

Here's some of the pictures I took at 心之芳庭 at 台中! It has a really romantic ambiance, perfect for engagement or wedding shoots!  

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