Monday 7 July 2014

Epilogue -- 1st week home

Spent the past week meeting up with friends and family whom I hadn't seen for a long time, some just 5 months and others longer... It's a tiring week, given the fact that I went for church camp on the second day I'm back and having to enter Malaysia at 9pm on Friday. But then, it's great to see people I hadn't seen for a long time, so it kinda compensate the fatigue I was feeling. 

Spent quite some time editing some pictures I took during the last days in Taiwan, and it felt quite surreal. I mean, I was still travelling around in Taiwan barely a week ago and now I'm back home! And suddenly 5 months don't seem to be as long as what I thought it is! 

I'll still update this space, though not on a daily basis. I'll be doing some sort of a 懒人包 aka summary of each area I went to, also a review of the hostels I'd stayed during the various trips around Taiwan. I hope I won't procrastinate too much though :p

Till the next time, ciaos~

Here's some of the pictures I took at 心之芳庭 at 台中! It has a really romantic ambiance, perfect for engagement or wedding shoots!  

Thursday 3 July 2014

Day 138 -- Delayed flight, advanced landing

The title sums up the entry pretty much. The boarding was delayed for half an hour, but when we reached Singapore in the morning, we were 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled timing -.-

The first thing I did after clearing the immigration was to get to Changi Airport T3 for Ya Kun Kaya Toast set A! The breakfast set that I was craving for the past 3 months! (And I am not exaggerating) I really missed the flavours of the toast and also ordering my coffee in the Singaporean style, eg. Kopi gao peng siew dai. True blue Singaporean will know what this whole stretch of weird wordings meant :p

Then it was truly home sweet home, but when I first got on the cab, I almost wanted to say 中山大学, and it took me a while to recall the street I lived in. No matter what, I'm still happy that I'm home, and I'll continue to post in this space, especially some reviews and whats not. Stay tuned :D

Lastly, thank you for accompanying me on this memorable, once-in-a-lifetime journey with me :)
P.S. pictures for the past few days will be up soon~